Thursday, December 9, 2010

An I-Pod Giveaway

A fellow mom with a little girl with DS is giving away a free i-pod touch with a built-in camera.  All you have to do is check out her blog HERE and get the full details.  Basically, you donate to this little sweet orphan's fund.

So, you donate to this little girl's adoption fund either via the link on Patti's blog or you can click HERE to donate.  After you donate, you leave Patti a comment that you did so and you get a chance to win the free ipod touch.  If you blog about the giveaway, you get another chance, if you tweet about it, another chance, facebook about it, another chance, or if you become a follower of Patti's blog another chance!  If you haven't looked at her blog, you should, it is inspiring!  She has 10 kids and they are beautiful!
Olga is almost 5, has Down Syndrome just like Kylee and is facing a mental institution if not enough money is raised for her adoption fund.  There are plenty of parents who would love to adopt, but the cost of international adoption is not cheap.  Unfortunately, when the children turn 5, they are placed in an institution.  

If Olga has a huge amount in her fund- bank on it- a family will come forward to adopt her. There's not a lack of families who want these babies- there's a lack of finances.

Please spread the word, and please pray for Olga.