Friday, October 29, 2010


It has been quite a long time since i updated and that is because there really is no exciting news to tell about, but i will fill you in on the little tidbits of what the girls have been up to.

First, Kylee has been doing well in the health department.  She has had a couple colds and she did have bronchitis back in July, but that is all.  Developmentally, she has been doing fantastic.  She crawls like a professional now, although she has moved on to bigger and better things.  She has mastered pulling herself up on furniture, people, etc and has also mastered cruising along the furniture.  When she feels like it she can walk well with assistance.  Lastly, in this past week she has been going from a sitting position to standing and just thinks it is the greatest thing!  She has picked up lots of signs, sounds, and a few words.  She is very stubborn though and will only do certain signs if Kate asks her to do it.  Little stinker...i can sit there and ask her to sign more for a good few minutes and she just stares at me, but if Kate asks her, her hands are in position before Kate even finishes asking her.  She will say da da(daddy), baby, all done, bye bye, yeah and yay which aren't exact but at least she says them.  Again, little stinker will only say ma ma when she wants to and she never directs it at me.  I am glad that she is independent but it also makes it frustrating at times especially when it comes to feeding herself and getting changed.  Her therapists and doctors are really pleased as are we at how well she is doing.  I don't think it will be long before she starts walking on her own.  She definitely will do it with help ONLY when she wants to otherwise her legs will turn into jello when you try to get her to walk. 

Kate has been enjoying being a kindergartener.  In fact every new person she talks to she has to tell them, " I'm already in kindergarten!"  She loves school, except for rest time, which she is always saying is boring.  Even though she loves school she hates doing homework.  So far they haven't done much in school except for review which is somewhat frustrating because i know that she is capable of doing so much more than they are doing currently.  Poor thing got tortured a couple weeks back.  She has been having issues with allergies for awhile now with her constantly coughing, so we took her for allergy testing to see what the culprit was.  She is deathly afraid of needles to the point where she doesn't even like being in the room when Kylee gets shots.  Needless to say, being poked 28 times was not a fun experience for her.  We did discover though that she is allergic to 7 different allergens, which i think the biggest one affecting her lately is the ragweed.  Thankfully she has been better so hopefully she stays this way for awhile. 

Kylee being her usual silly self!
Excuse the lack of clothes, but Kylee loves trying to stand after her bath!
Anyways, sorry this update is boring but really other than the little things, there isn't much excitement around here.

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