Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 7 Months

My baby is 7 months old today!  She has endured so much in these last few days and yet she is still my smiley happy baby.  So far she has done well, she slept great last night probably trying to catch up on sleep after a few interrupted nights at the hospital.  The only thing that seems to bother her is her gums from teething.

5 days post op( this is more just for me to look back on)


  1. Happy 7 Months! She is absolutely adorable. It is amazing how much they go through and still manage those beautiful smiles!

  2. So glad to see everything went well and that she is recovering so quickly!!

  3. Aunt Carol said: I can not believe how good she is
    doing so soon after surgery. She is really a smily
    beautiful little girl. I hope every thing keeps on going well for her . love, carol
