Thursday, December 9, 2010

An I-Pod Giveaway

A fellow mom with a little girl with DS is giving away a free i-pod touch with a built-in camera.  All you have to do is check out her blog HERE and get the full details.  Basically, you donate to this little sweet orphan's fund.

So, you donate to this little girl's adoption fund either via the link on Patti's blog or you can click HERE to donate.  After you donate, you leave Patti a comment that you did so and you get a chance to win the free ipod touch.  If you blog about the giveaway, you get another chance, if you tweet about it, another chance, facebook about it, another chance, or if you become a follower of Patti's blog another chance!  If you haven't looked at her blog, you should, it is inspiring!  She has 10 kids and they are beautiful!
Olga is almost 5, has Down Syndrome just like Kylee and is facing a mental institution if not enough money is raised for her adoption fund.  There are plenty of parents who would love to adopt, but the cost of international adoption is not cheap.  Unfortunately, when the children turn 5, they are placed in an institution.  

If Olga has a huge amount in her fund- bank on it- a family will come forward to adopt her. There's not a lack of families who want these babies- there's a lack of finances.

Please spread the word, and please pray for Olga.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Day At The Park

             Taking good pics of both girls is actually no day at the park, but we did manage to get a few!

when one is smiling, the other is not!

oh how Kate loves to pose for the camera!

sorry, Uncle Mike, i tried to get some decent pics of Kylee, don't know if any of them will work or not.  will be taking some more pics at the old folk's home(aka mom & dad's house).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tis The Season For Giving, Help Out A Child In Need

This precious cutie with Down Syndrome is Melanie!  Isn't she adorable?  I have seen her face many times over the last couple of months and today after dressing Kylee up to go outside in her oversized jacket and hat just like Melanie's hat, she reminded me of Melanie.  She has many things in common with Kylee.  Well, they are both adorable, they both have Down Syndrome, they both have heart defects(although Kylee's has been repaired) and they both have loving families.  The one thing they don't have in common though is that Kylee is able to be with her family, whereas Melanie, although she has a loving family that is in the adoption process, they have to overcome the obstacle of raising enough money to bring her home!

There are many precious little ones like Melanie that are born in Eastern Europe with Down Syndrome that are thrown away in orphanages. If they are not adopted by 4 to 5 years of age, they are placed in an institution. This holiday season won't you please considering donating to this little cutie pie, Melanie to help bring her home to her forever family. 

From what i have read the adoption fees are quite expensive, but bringing this little girl home to her family is priceless and definitely worth the cost!!! Please check out the link below, all donations are 100% tax deductible.

Like i mentioned, Melanie also has heart defects as well as intestional issues, both needing surgery, which is all the more reason for her to hurry home to her family.  This season when you are out buying gifts for your loved ones, think of Melanie who is need of the greatest gift of all this holiday season- to be with her loving family.  So often we take for granted the things we have, for once we need to think of others. 

You can also check out her button on the side of my blog for updates on Melanie.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Down Syndrome

Since October is/was Down Syndrome Awareness month, i thought i would write a little post about Down Syndrome.

There is a high termination rate of pregnancies when there is a DS diagnosis. Why it is so high, i am unsure, but i have some ideas. I believe that alot of people, the medical field included are uneducated when it comes to Down Syndrome. I can totally understand this because when Kylee was born and i received her diagnosis, i was devastated. I thought it was the worst thing in the world and i think alot of that was the fact that i really didn't know much about DS and the images/thoughts i had were outdated things.

So many things have changed for the Down Syndrome community. Many years ago, mothers were often encouraged to place their babies in institutions and of course, medical technology wasn't like it was today. There are health issues that accompany a individual with DS, such as heart defects. Obviously years ago, the medical knowledge and technology weren't like they are today, which would shorten the lifespan of an individual with heart defects. Today, the most common heart defect that accompanies individuals with DS, which is Atrioventricular Canal defect has a successful repair rate of close to 100% and most will come through surgery with zero to little complications. If it is like this now, imagine what it will be like in the future. Kylee had open heart surgery for multiple defects and only had a hospital stay of 4 days... she did amazing. Just think, 10 years from now, who knows what surgical repair will be like.

Early intervention therapy is started shortly after the birth of a baby with DS. Kylee started recieving therapies within 3 months of her birth. I don't believe that the therapies that babies/children receive now existed years ago. With the help of these therapies, children are able to acheive much more developmentally now than years ago. Yes, scheduling therapies can be challenging, but it is all in the convenience of your own home or if your child is in a childcare setting, it can take place there.

When a child starts school they are able to be mainstreamed into regular classrooms. From what i have seen and been told, individuals are far more successful when included with their typical peers. Years ago, there was no opportunity for this. Most individuals, not all have either mild to moderate cognitive disabilities. I read that only about 5% have severe or profound disability.

I have often read different things about what people are afraid of with the possibility of having a baby with DS. First, people believe that it will ruin their marriage/relationships. Studies have shown that marriages are actually better when raising a individual with DS. In fact it shows that divorce rates are much lower in couples with a child that has DS than other married couples. People often feel that this will have a damaging effect on siblings. Most often, this is not the case. It has been reported that siblings often have a greater sense of compassion.

Then there is the financial issue. While yes, medical appointments can contribute to more financial expenses, but there is assistance available. Early intervention therapies are provided at very little to no cost. When the indiviual reaches 18(i think) they are able to receive financial assistance. Before age 18, they are able to receive assistance as well, but in this case the parent's income is counted, therefore some families do not qualify.

People often worry about the future and what will happen when the parents get older. More and more adults are able to live semi independently in group homes, have jobs, even get married, and live much more independent than they were able to years ago.

I have often heard this statement, " i have seen what it is like for a family to raise someone with DS." Then they will go on to say how poor of a life the adult has. Well, if you think about it let's say they are talking about a 20 something year old. What kind of services, medical technology and overall community support was available 20 years ago? Another thing to take into consideration is this- what type of family environment did that individual grow up in?  Was it one that was filled with love and support or one where the family didn't provide such needs.  My point is things are changing for the DS community to help individuals live a longer, more independent life.

I have often heard/read that they(moms) wouldn't want their child to live a life of suffering. For some reason, people think that individuals suffer from Down Syndrome. Honestly, i think the most that they suffer from is the ignorance of others. If individuals with DS are often stereotyped as very sweet loving individuals, then where is the suffering? I think one thing people fail to realize that individuals with DS are just that. They are all individuals, who are unique. Yes, they can very sweet, but they can also be stubborn. They have a mix of emotions just like everyone else. Phil and I volunteered at a camp this summer for individuals with DS ages 10-17. The only suffering i saw there was when the teenage girls were upset because a certain boy was dancing or talking with another girl...sounds pretty typical to me. Sure, there are some differences. It does take them a little bit longer to do things, but given the opportunity, most can do it. Something i heard that really sticks with me... treat your child as if they have a learning disability, not an inability to learn. People often think that individuals with DS aren't capable of lots of things. If given opportunity, time, patience, and compassion, there is so much they can acheive.

Many people say i know i couldn't handle raising a child with special needs. We all believe at some point that we aren't capable of certain things. If you had asked me before Kylee was born if i could handle raising a child with special needs, i would have probably said no, but you just accept and deal with it and what do you know most parents love the journey of raising a child with DS(i know i do). Sure raising a child with DS can be challenging, but raising any child has its challenges. I often feel more frustrated with Kate than i do with Kylee. When Kylee achieves a task, it is so much more exciting because she has worked hard for it. When she smiles her whole face lights up. She is an absolute joy and i am so thankful to have her(and Kate). Having a child with DS comes with plenty of rewards. I have learned to have more patience(although i don't always use it), i have learned to appreciate life more, and i have acquired a larger family. It is great to have such a great support community(although most is on the internet) to share the joys and challenges of raising a child with DS.

When we had an appointment with the geneticist a couple of weeks ago, he stated that many doctors when delivering a diagnosis of DS will deliver it in such a bad manner, which usually is something along the lines of good baby vs. bad baby. He stated and i agree that it doesn't mean it's bad, it is just different. Unfortunately, many doctors will push termination and/or give outdated and incorrect information about DS, which is sad because most patients trust their doctors to give them the best information possible.

In summary, having a baby with Down Syndrome is not something to be feared, in fact it is one of the best things to have happened to me!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


It has been quite a long time since i updated and that is because there really is no exciting news to tell about, but i will fill you in on the little tidbits of what the girls have been up to.

First, Kylee has been doing well in the health department.  She has had a couple colds and she did have bronchitis back in July, but that is all.  Developmentally, she has been doing fantastic.  She crawls like a professional now, although she has moved on to bigger and better things.  She has mastered pulling herself up on furniture, people, etc and has also mastered cruising along the furniture.  When she feels like it she can walk well with assistance.  Lastly, in this past week she has been going from a sitting position to standing and just thinks it is the greatest thing!  She has picked up lots of signs, sounds, and a few words.  She is very stubborn though and will only do certain signs if Kate asks her to do it.  Little stinker...i can sit there and ask her to sign more for a good few minutes and she just stares at me, but if Kate asks her, her hands are in position before Kate even finishes asking her.  She will say da da(daddy), baby, all done, bye bye, yeah and yay which aren't exact but at least she says them.  Again, little stinker will only say ma ma when she wants to and she never directs it at me.  I am glad that she is independent but it also makes it frustrating at times especially when it comes to feeding herself and getting changed.  Her therapists and doctors are really pleased as are we at how well she is doing.  I don't think it will be long before she starts walking on her own.  She definitely will do it with help ONLY when she wants to otherwise her legs will turn into jello when you try to get her to walk. 

Kate has been enjoying being a kindergartener.  In fact every new person she talks to she has to tell them, " I'm already in kindergarten!"  She loves school, except for rest time, which she is always saying is boring.  Even though she loves school she hates doing homework.  So far they haven't done much in school except for review which is somewhat frustrating because i know that she is capable of doing so much more than they are doing currently.  Poor thing got tortured a couple weeks back.  She has been having issues with allergies for awhile now with her constantly coughing, so we took her for allergy testing to see what the culprit was.  She is deathly afraid of needles to the point where she doesn't even like being in the room when Kylee gets shots.  Needless to say, being poked 28 times was not a fun experience for her.  We did discover though that she is allergic to 7 different allergens, which i think the biggest one affecting her lately is the ragweed.  Thankfully she has been better so hopefully she stays this way for awhile. 

Kylee being her usual silly self!
Excuse the lack of clothes, but Kylee loves trying to stand after her bath!
Anyways, sorry this update is boring but really other than the little things, there isn't much excitement around here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Awesome Cardiology Update!

So, Kylee had her 6 month post-op checkup yesterday.  She had a sedated echo to check how well her heart is doing after her repair 6 months ago.  It was so great to her the cardiologist tell us that he was very impressed with her repair and that Kylee doesn't need to follow-up with him until 1 year.  It is truly amazing to me see Kylee go from being born with multiple defects to having congestive heart failure to having a full repair done at 7 months to now.  She is doing so well.  You would never know that she had endured all that in her first year of life.  We are so glad that we were referred to such an amazing surgeon.  Everybody who has seen the images of Kylee's repaired heart has said what a great job the surgeon had did to Kylee's heart.  Although, I don't forsee any future surgeries for Kylee, I am sad that the surgeon moved to Denver for a better position.  Oh well. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Couple Of Videos

A cute video of Kylee being tickled.

Kylee has a fascination with the vacuum cleaner.  She takes off when she sees it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Kylee!

I can't believe my baby is 1 year old! If only i could have seen a glimpse into the future when she was born, i would have seen how silly i was to be afraid to have a child with down syndrome. When Kylee was born and i found out that she had down syndrome, i was completely devastated. I really honestly thought that her diagnosis was the worst thing to happen to me. I didn't know much about down syndrome, basically all i knew of was outdated information. In this past year, i have realized that my feelings were shared among many mothers who also received the down syndrome diagnosis for their child. Also, in this past year i have witnessed what an absolute blessing Kylee is! Yes having a child with down syndrome comes with extra work which involve therapy appointments and for some extra doctor's visits, but what you get in return is so so worth it! With any child there are going to be challenges. Sometimes, i think the challenges with Kate and her 5yr old attitude are greater than with Kylee. Don't get me wrong, Kate is a great child and is sweet, caring, loving, funny, but she can also have a attitude as well. The accomplishments that Kylee achieves are so much greater because of the all the hard work that is put into it. I am amazed at how far Kylee has come! Going in for open heart surgery at 7 months old was definitely the scariest thing i have been through, but she sure showed us how strong she was by only being in the hospital for 4 days. I could go on and on about how great having Kylee is, but i will keep it short. She is an absolute joy! She wakes up happy and has the biggest smile on her face, her grin is from ear to ear! She has already become an attention seeker and loves to get a laugh out of others! She loves to dance, play and hardly ever cries! I truly feel like i am the luckiest mom when it comes to my girls! Happy birthday to my sweet, precious Kylee! We love you soo very much!  
from being in mommy's belly
to the NICU after being born
just plain cute
after OHS
learning to sit
trying to crawl
being cute again
                                            to just being an absolute angel!

  Ok, so the second to last pic is of Kate at Kylee's age, but i just can't get over the similarities!
 Kylee just loves to dance as soon as we play this song.  She could be crying but the second she hears it, she starts bouncing!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Girls Are Getting So Big!

I can't believe it! Both Kate and Kylee are growing up way too fast.

Kylee will be turning 1 in just a couple weeks. It just doesn't seem possible. I know i have said it before but she is such a happy baby! I think she has already tried to use it to her advantage. For example, when it is time for bed and she doesn't want to go to sleep, she will bounce up and down on my lap when i am trying to rock her and then she will laugh and stare at me hoping to get a reaction out of me. She is still doing really well in regards to her health. She will follow up with the cardiologist on July 12th for a sedated echo to get a good look at her heart function. She just got her cranial band to help fix the flatness to her head. So far she has fussed or really payed too much attention to it. They estimate she will have to wear it for 3-4 months, but i think once we notice a difference where it isn't noticable, then we won't have her wear it anymore. Developmentally she has been doing great! She started to do an army crawl and she also has been bearing alot of weight on her legs(which 20lbs of Kylee is alot of weight!).  Edited to add, since i started this post(almost a week ago), Kylee has figured out how to crawl the right way and she gets going pretty fast when she sees something she wants.  She just got braces to support her ankles for standing and when she moves onto walking because her ankles have a tendency to turn out.

I am still amazed at how well Kate has progressed in preschool. She had her graduation this past Wednesday. For a child who likes to talk non-stop and is loud, she sure was really shy and quiet when it came to reciting her lines for the school play. She seemed to be bored as well, as i noticed her pick her nose on a few occasions and let out a few big yawns. Oh well at least she wasn't the only one. She received an award from her teacher called the "radical reader award" because of how well she can read. We are amazed to see how well she can read and the words she reads, for example she asked daddy what psychology means? She was able to read all the kindergarden words without a problem. She also had her dance recital last weekend and she was so excited to get dressed up and put makeup on.  Lastly, she lost her 2 front bottom teeth and the new teeth are already coming in.  She was soo excited when the tooth fairy came as well as seeing her new teeth!

I guess i got a little picture happy!

                                           showing off where her teeth fell out
posing as usual before her dance recital

on stage with some of the other dancers
at her graduation play, Kate is in the yellow shirt
after getting her diploma
with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Courtney
this is the new face Kylee likes to make, so funny!

 it was also after taking her cranial band off, hence the wild hair

here are a few pics from our photo session for Littlest Heroes Project
done by a great photographer, Melody!