Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Girls Are Getting So Big!

I can't believe it! Both Kate and Kylee are growing up way too fast.

Kylee will be turning 1 in just a couple weeks. It just doesn't seem possible. I know i have said it before but she is such a happy baby! I think she has already tried to use it to her advantage. For example, when it is time for bed and she doesn't want to go to sleep, she will bounce up and down on my lap when i am trying to rock her and then she will laugh and stare at me hoping to get a reaction out of me. She is still doing really well in regards to her health. She will follow up with the cardiologist on July 12th for a sedated echo to get a good look at her heart function. She just got her cranial band to help fix the flatness to her head. So far she has fussed or really payed too much attention to it. They estimate she will have to wear it for 3-4 months, but i think once we notice a difference where it isn't noticable, then we won't have her wear it anymore. Developmentally she has been doing great! She started to do an army crawl and she also has been bearing alot of weight on her legs(which 20lbs of Kylee is alot of weight!).  Edited to add, since i started this post(almost a week ago), Kylee has figured out how to crawl the right way and she gets going pretty fast when she sees something she wants.  She just got braces to support her ankles for standing and when she moves onto walking because her ankles have a tendency to turn out.

I am still amazed at how well Kate has progressed in preschool. She had her graduation this past Wednesday. For a child who likes to talk non-stop and is loud, she sure was really shy and quiet when it came to reciting her lines for the school play. She seemed to be bored as well, as i noticed her pick her nose on a few occasions and let out a few big yawns. Oh well at least she wasn't the only one. She received an award from her teacher called the "radical reader award" because of how well she can read. We are amazed to see how well she can read and the words she reads, for example she asked daddy what psychology means? She was able to read all the kindergarden words without a problem. She also had her dance recital last weekend and she was so excited to get dressed up and put makeup on.  Lastly, she lost her 2 front bottom teeth and the new teeth are already coming in.  She was soo excited when the tooth fairy came as well as seeing her new teeth!

I guess i got a little picture happy!

                                           showing off where her teeth fell out
posing as usual before her dance recital

on stage with some of the other dancers
at her graduation play, Kate is in the yellow shirt
after getting her diploma
with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Courtney
this is the new face Kylee likes to make, so funny!

 it was also after taking her cranial band off, hence the wild hair

here are a few pics from our photo session for Littlest Heroes Project
done by a great photographer, Melody!

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