Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I don't expect a whole lot of people reading this blog but for anyone that does and would like to leave a comment, thoughts, words of encourgements, etc, etc, there is a spot belong the posts to do so. Just curious to know who is following up on this.


  1. Well I, (your brother), check everyday for updates. A: because I care to know what's going on, and B: because I kinda have nothing going on (Joking?).

  2. I check it everyday as well. Everyone is in my prayers!

  3. Hi Jeanette,

    I am a heart mom in MA. My son Alex has CoArctaion and AS. He is 4 1/2 and just had the Ross Procedure. Feel free to e-mail me, I know lots of places to get advice, support, etc.

    Take care,

  4. Kylee is adorable! I found out about your site from the Funky Heart and wanted to encourage you. I am a 41-yr-old ToF patient! Doing very well. I also have a cardiac kid of my own. Born with HLHS, she was transplanted at 7 weeks and is doing fabulous now almost 7 years later. I'll be praying for Kylee and her family.
