Sunday, November 29, 2009


Since we had our thanksgiving dinner yesterday, I decided that today would be a good day to say what I am thankful for.  There are many many people and things, but the top of my list is of course my 2 sweet daughters, and of course my husband as well, but I feel the need to say I am extremely thankful for these people.  And no it is not the lady dressed in the racing gear.

Without these two people I don't know where I would be.  They have done soo much to help us, the list is endless from financial help to emotional support, to watching Kate, having her stay overnight, filling our bellies. etc. etc.    Even though I don't say it often, my mom is someone I inspire to be.  She not only is there for me and my family, but she helps my brother out, she does alot around the house while trying to catch little cat naps before having to work at night, and she takes care of my 91 yr old grandpa.  Since my grandparents moved to nc, she has been the primary caretaker of them(now just my grandpa).  She does all this while barely taking time to do for herself. 

I, we all really do appreciate all you do for us.  So, thank you!  We love you and Kate says, "I love you parrot."

1 comment:

  1. Yea, Mom and Dad are 2 pretty awesome people. I've learned alot from them both. And look how much cooler Ashley Force looks standing next to the great Hank and Elaine.
