Friday, January 15, 2010

Possible Step Down Room This Afternoon

Kylee is still doing pretty well.  They are probably going to send her to a step down room this afternoon if they have a room available.  She is getting her all her ivs out, except for the one in her hand.  They took her off of her bp medicine this morning.  She hasn't really been overly irritated today, she just gets upset it seems when she sees me and realizes I can't pick her up.  She also has gotten to eat and got pretty upset apparently when they stopped feeding her.  At first they can only give her a little to make sure she can tolerate it.  But she had about 3.5 oz at her last feed.  My little chunky monkey.  We have had a couple scares since yesterday with her o2 sats dropping, but fortunately both times the o2 hose had popped off the wall.  This am she is only on 1/2 a liter of o2.  For awhile there with the o2 being off she did do pretty well.  So although I am excited that she is doing so well, I'm also nervous because more of the care will rely on us.  But this means I will get to hold my baby!  Yeah! 

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers that she continues to recover well!


  1. Glad to hear you may get to snuggle with Kylee soon! I know you are nervous, but you will get the hang of it quickly. And she wil be so happy to snuggle with her mommy. Still praying.

  2. Sounds like things are going pretty well there. I'm glad to hear that & hoping for you to be able to snuggle her soon too! I'm still praying also.... (((hugs))) to you & Kylee....

  3. It sounds like Kylee is progressing really well! Thats wonderful! Give her an extra hug for all of us. We are keeping her in our prayers!
