So we had a long day of tests today and met with the surgeon. First Kylee had bloodwork and was not very happy. After that she had a chest xray, an ekg and then a sedated echo. Poor Kylee was so sleepy when they sedated her. They just gave her some sleepy medicine, monitored her and did the echo, but when she woke up, she was out of it. The check in time for surgery is 7:15 with surgery starting at 8:30. The surgeon anticipates it will take about 4 hours. As far as how long her anticipated stay is in the hospital, the nurse told us 5-7 days, the surgeon said 10-14 days, when he originally said 2-3 weeks, so who knows how long she will be there.
I will try to update tomorrow when surgery is underway and when we receive updates. Please keep Kylee and us in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks
You all are in my prayers. I will say extra special prayers tomorrow morning for Kylee and the medical staff that will be taking care of her.